Manage your Freelancer projects more efficiently
Your path to better business insights and informed decisions
BI helps your company to make informed decisions and find new sales opportunities.
Support and maintenance for automations
Efficiency and adaptability
Realizing a personalized customer approach
AI, IBPMS and iPAAS combined
Zapier Partner Germany
Automate processes in the Microsoft Cloud
Create powerful processes through modular integrations
Open source and fair code licensed
Database and spreadsheet in one
Find out more about us and our special features.
Shape the future with us at #futureofwork.
Choose from our selection of standardized automation solutions to drive your business forward.
Choose from our selection of standardized automation solutions to put your company in the fast lane.
Take advantage of automation to optimize your freelancer management. From project tracking to communication - with the right tools, you can simplify your processes and gain more time for the essentials.
Learn how you can gain deeper insights into your business and make informed decisions by integrating data from different sources and using powerful BI tools.
Business Intelligence (BI) is a collection of technologies, applications and methods that enable companies to collect, integrate, analyze and present data.
Our automation as a service (AaaS) offers sustainable, durable and scalable automation solutions that benefit your company in the long term.
Automate the creation of documents without having to choose between individuality and speed.
Automate your sales and administrative activities to gain more time for value-adding tasks.
Automate your customer onboarding and retain new and satisfied customers right from the start.
Automate your agency together with us and create a unique customer journey to drive your agency forward.
Automate your bookkeeping and recurring tasks to gain more time for value-adding activities.